
Why support Project Moroto?
  • 100% of all contributions (less bank and accounting costs) to Project Moroto go to the project.
  • There is no allowance for NZ salaries or travel costs.
  • Donations to Project Moroto are tax deductible. We are listed at the Charities Commission under No – CC55473.
  • We are doing a very good job and are regarded by the local community leaders in Moroto as one of the best projects in the region. We do what we say we will do. 

AND there are beautiful girl orphans in Moroto who haven’t had the opportunities we have had in the first world for food, shelter and education. We should share our good fortune.

What if situations were reversed and you were an orphan with nothing – would you appreciate some help?

How to support Project Moroto?

Give direct into our bank account 03-0255-0232671-000. Please email us with your name and address if you wish to receive a tax receipt. These are issued in April every year.

To everyone who starts an Automatic Payment into our account we would love to send you a complimentary DVD of the girls singing their favourite songs in and around Alakara Home. Just email us and let us know your address and it will be winging its way to you. You will love seeing the spirit and joy of the Alakara girls!

Thank you for any contribution you can make.

If you would like to give by credit card please use the following form.

If you would like to volunteer time and skills either in New Zealand or in Uganda please contact us.

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